5 key points

  • You, your family, your relatives are at the centre of what we do and how we do it.
  • We sit with you, not in front of you.
  • Your objectives and preferences come first.
  • We have a discussion free of conflict of interest, we are not tied to any banks or financial institutions.
  • We question yourselves and ourselves:
    • What do you wish to achieve?
    • What is important to you?
    • What is missing or could be improved?
    • What do you like?
    • What are your doubts, maybe fears?
    • How can we assist you?
    • How can we cooperate with your team, advisors, lawyers, trustees?


An optimal way of operating

Experienced Investment Management

A senior team with multi decades of in-depth market experience within major financial institutions.

Focused Team

Benefit from the power of a fully dedicated team, ensuring personalized, hands-on asset management while benefiting from an institutional pricing.

Broad Specialist Network

Gain exclusive insights from our outstanding network of banks, asset managers, private deal sourcing, external research boutiques.

Join an exclusive Club

Brought in by our connections with former CEOs and shareholders of listed companies, entrepreneurs and successful investors in finance, commodities, tech, industrial, mining and luxury businesses globally.

Unbiased Risk Management

External risk management ensures unbiased and objective decisions, free from any conflicts of interest, guarding your investments.


We guarantee the utmost confidentiality, ensuring your personal details and transactions remain private.